August 2007 归档


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CEO - 首席催货官

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连升三级说到的艾德有一句经典名言:我们都是CEO - 不是首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer),而是首席催货官(Chief Expedite Officer)。这是因为公司三年来生意连年飙升(是美国增长速度最快的公司之一),物料短缺时时发生,催货是供应管理部门的一大任务。




外来的和尚好念经。这也是为什么在决定向大采购转变时,首要任务是找一个背景很好,有在成功企业采购部门经验的人做首席采购官。例如克拉克公司(Clarke American),一家主要生产支票类产品的公司,选定一位外来人员领导采购部门的转变。该首席采购官有多年的生产企业采购背景,熟知大公司的best practice,带来了包括Corning在内的大公司的采购经验。一定的职业权威有利于镇住内部客户,也是建立采购部门必不可少的。


  • Supply chain management: high cost, high inventory, heavy asset solutions


  • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management


  • Luise: 很多公司把RISK MANAGEMENT上升到企业经营战略层面,并建立了BCP(Business Continuity Plan),举个例子,决策层不能同坐一架飞机。 详细>>
  • Maggie: shirley, you can see wuqing said "与指定的、唯一的供应商谈判,如何化解价格上的被动呢?" I happened the same issue a few months ago. designated supplier have a request to increase parts unit price. after we contacted with supplier, we found perhaps our customer didn't know this thing so we passed this information to our customer. Bob,here I have a question. who will be more in charge of contacting customer for such this kind issue, generally commercial shall be a company window between customer and company. 详细>>
  • mading: lion's share 最大的一份最好的一份 详细>>
  • 刘宝红: Lion share means the major portion of certain thing. Here it means the major portion of capital investment and workforce is for operations activities. 详细>>
  • libayu: 刘老师,你好!我在工厂做销售工作,偶然接触到刘老师的博客,感觉受益非浅,对我的销售工作也有很大帮助。最近,根据刘老师博客上推荐的几本书想系统学习一下。这不遇着拦路虎了,简单说是有一句英文理解不了,想请教一下刘老师,原文是这样的:note also that in both types of organization,it is typical for operations activities to account for the lion's share of capital investment and workforce----《运营管理》p10中的lion's share 如何理解?谢谢! 详细>>
  • shirley: Hi Bob! I am gald to see you blog. It will be very useful for my career life, and I will keep on giving my eyes on it. But I have a question here, about the tough problem, wuqing has not referred to the designated supplier. How can you instruct him to make the customer step in? 详细>>
  • tc: 计划往往是无用的,但制订计划的工作却是无价的。成功只是你工作中的副产品。 详细>>
  • 刘宝红: I am not able to type in Chinese so I use English. Yes, this is a tough problem. I have been managing this type of designated suppliers for years and understand the difficuties primary suppliers have when negotiating with the designated suppliers. My suggestion would be first understand why the price has changed. This is about "seek to understand before being understood." If the designated supplier can't justify the increase, then bring it to your customer and pass the price increase to them. Most likely your customer will step in, if they have professionals managing designated suppliers, and come up with a reasonable solution. Good luck. Bob 详细>>
  • wuqing: 为了保证项目中关键设备的交货期(12个月),我司与供应商先签订交货日期的备忘录,之后才进行商务谈判。04年买过同样机型的设备,现在供应商报价上调40%!与指定的、唯一的供应商谈判,如何化解价格上的被动呢? 详细>>
  • Tim: 我们公司与一家公司签了合同,承担其物流业务,由于双方的管理系统不兼容,而双方IT在做EDI时迟迟达不到要求,大家测试则得非常辛苦,没有成效,这样半年过去,双方也就决定散伙了.一个失败的案例,说明没有计划,就没有好结果. 详细>>


这里是August 2007的所有日记,它们按照时间从新到老排序。

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